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Metal Etching Stencils

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Metal Etching Stencils

 SinoGuide offers a fully capable chemical etching service. From the simplest to the most challenging projects we are your one stop shop for prototype and production runs. Our chemical etching solutions are creative, competitively priced, and focused on the customers needs. We take pride in the relationship that we create with our customers, 24 hour quote process, flexibility, and on time delivery are just a few of the attributes that we emphasize.

What is Chemical Etching?

Very simply, chemical etching is a process used to remove material (metal) by way of masking an area with a protectant (photo resist) and then submerging the material into an etchant (acid) to remove the material that has not been protected by the photo resist. The resulting pattern can then be posted processed if necessary and then used in the intended application.

Photo Etching Materials:

A wide range of materials are suitable for chemical etching. Most metal alloys can be machined with this process. Some examples are various Coppers, Brass, Nickel, Stainless Steel, Kovar, Spring steel, Invar, Monel and more.

Etching Industry:

request a quote for precision metal solutions
Chemical etching is in use in a wide variety of industries. Aerospace, semiconductor manufacture, automotive, military, and medical are just a few industries that benefit from the chemical machining technology.

Uses photoresist film and highly concentrated acid to dissolve metal in controlled areas to produce parts and textures
High Precision photo etching Detail image

SinoGuide is a chemical machining and etching company that offers photo chemical machining and etching services for the medical, telecommunications, aerospace, defense, energy, and technology industries with a focus on quality, customer service and a fast turnaround time.




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Tel.:+86-755-89375091 Fax.:+86-755-89375092 E-mail: sales@sg-etch.com
Address: 301, Building A, North Plant, No. 103,Pingxin North Road, Mugu Community,Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen,China 518111