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All dimensions, tolerances and configurations are functions of the thickness of the material being photo etched and should be considered during the design process.
All dimensions, tolerances and configurations are functions of the thickness of the material being photo etched and should be considered during the design process.
Summary: SG-etch manufactures a full line of custom photochemically etched metal components for medical device industry.The Leader in Custom Photo Chemical Machining and Metal Etching & Finishes
SG-etch manufactures a full line of custom photochemically etched metal components for medical device industry. The Leader in Custom Photo Chemical Machining and Metal Etching & Finishes. SinoGuide has been in the business of custom metal fabrication since 2007. Specializing in photochemical milling, we are able to manufacture parts to your exact specifications holding extremely precise tolerances. With our process there are no expensive blanking dies so lead-times are shortened and design changes won't cost you a fortune.
SG-etch using the photochemical etching process manufactures intricate medical parts and implantables made from titanium and titanium alloys quickly and accurately. SG-etch has the unique capability to fabricate intricate, burr-free parts from both standard and exotic non-corrosive metals, including titanium, without inducing the stresses common to machining. Flexible, lightweight titanium mesh can be manufactured in any size or pattern style, with countersunk holes for flush-mounting screws. And with our PCM process, the millionth part is the same as the first part, because the tooling doesn’t “wear” like metal tooling does.
Because SG-etch creates phototools in-house and has over 2000 material part numbers in stock (in thicknesses from 0.0005 in. to 0.1250 in.), we can offer quick turnaround at extremely competitive prices. Requests for quotes are answered within 24 hours of receipt of prints, and delivery of production parts is typically 3-4 weeks from receipt of order. (Companies machining parts by conventional methods such as stamping often require this amount of time just to deliver prototypes!) Tooling is inexpensive, and minor changes can be made to the phototools easily and quickly.
In addition to standard medical parts, SG-etch manufactures EMI/RF shielding, optical encoder discs and shaft encoders for positioning systems, heat sinks and heater elements, filters and screens, fuel cell anodes and cathodes, thermal switch components, and other metal parts for medical equipment. SG-etch also provides precision parts to the nuclear, automotive, microwave and aerospace industries, among others. Our unique ability to etch pure titanium for medical implantables brings SG-etch to the forefront of photoetching technology. SG-etch’s manufacturing process is ISO registered and complies with or exceeds most customer and military standards, and we have one of the largest plants dedicated to photochemical machining in the world.
“our process, which is the ultimate blend of art and technology, results in no burrs, no stresses, no effect on magnetic properties, no deformation, no tool wear and the ability to machine to precise depths measured in tens of thousands on even the most demanding of materials from aluminum to titanium.”
Talk to Us
Our engineers are on hand to discuss your etching component requirements and advise on design parameters.
Tel.:+86-755-89375091 Fax.:+86-755-89375092 E-mail:
Address: Rm#911-912,Block 12, Huayao BLG, No.1 Pingan Road, Pinghu Town,
Longgang district, Shenzhen, P.R.China 518111
copyright@2007-2015@SinoGuide Technology Ltd.